Month: October 2016

Connecta Baby Carrier Review

When I was pregnant, I was unsure about using again my stretchy wrap but I knew that I will practice babywearing. With a toddler and a pre-schooler, it was obvious for me that if I wanted to do few things in my home, I would need to put baby somewhere in order to free my hands. And the best way to do it and to make baby comfortable, content and happy is babywearing. I liked my stretchy wrap with Baba1 five years ago but was not at ease for when I was outside so I wanted to anticipated this issue. I – as always– looked everywhere for advices, read reviews and it seemed that one of the best solution and easiest are Soft Structured {buckle} carriers. Babipur, one of the best ethical and eco Shop around –not to say THE Best -, stocks a large range of Buckle carriers but not only. You can find in their website a generous “Babywearing section“. I like how they bring to us some exclusivities and special offers which makes …

Nona Palmae Antigua Woven Wrap Review

My journey into Babywearing started with a stretchy wrap and I get used to knots and this kind of little things. When previously, for my first baby, I found it tricky to use, I enjoyed it with my third. I really liked the way baby was securely wrapped and the lightweight feeling. I introduced myself to ring slings and I love the woven fabric used: so different to a stretchy wrap in terms of support. I decided to go further and to try a woven wrap. The choice out there is impressive and quite confusing. Between designs, choices of fabrics, patterns, sizes and prices, you get easily lost. But well, I guess we shall always start somewhere, we do not become experts from Day 1! After browsing a lot and reading few reviews, I decided to go for a Nona woven wrap. Why? It is one of the most affordable wrap I found and I fell in love with the earthy patterns and beautiful colours. Now, who is behind Nona Woven wraps? Nona Woven Wraps has …

The Little Girl Who lost her name Book – Review

Today, it is time for me to review our “The Little Girl who lost her name” Book. Do you remember how we ended up with this lovely book. We chose this book to announce our daughters Baby’s name. You can read my article about Our Baby’s name announcement here. My first article was about the reason why we chose this book and now I want to review in details all the process and if it was worth it after 3 months using it. Who is behind Lost My Name? “Once upon a time (in 2012) four friends got together to make a personalised book – better than one had ever been made before. They worked on it in their spare time, as a pet project. Late nights! Understanding families! Pretending to work on work stuff at work, when they weren’t! Eventually it was finished, stories, illustrations, code, site, print house, everything. They launched it. Word got around. People bought it, and said nice things about it. And they thought, Hang on. Hang on a second. This could …

{Giveaway inside} Switching to Reusable menstrual products : Cheeky Mama Cloth Sanitary Pads Review

This week was Reusable Menstrual Products Week and it was obvious that I should talk to you about Reusable Cloth Sanitary pads. Using Reusable menstrual products has been, in my women life, the ultimate green step. Green living or at least trying to reduce waste in my life demanded efforts beyond my imagination. When I look around me all the things we use and throw into our bins after only one use it is unbelievable. I have been using disposable sanitary pads during so many years and it was obvious for me and all girls around me that it was what we would be using. When I was younger we were used to travel to Morocco every year for our summer holidays and in the 80’s to early 90’s, women – those I knew and were living with–  were still using washable pads {and washable nappies for babies!}. In fact, there were no pads. They were using pieces of cotton fabric. I grew up knowing that and having acknowledged it. I mean I have seen them washing their pads and …

A magic wind blows through the Little Green Radicals Winter Collection

Between Magic, Stars and Fairy Sleepy Dust, the new Little Green Radicals Winter Collection is enchanting. Two weeks ago, I was waiting for the release of the Little Green Radicals Autumn Winter 2016 Collection. You know my love for this Organic Clothing brand! And if you don’t, you can always read my article and you will see how fond of them I am! Unfortunately when you have high expectations you expose yourself to disillusion. So when the new collection has been revealed,  I was first worried . “The new AW16 collection – dreams – invites into a dream world of magic moons & stars, flying rockets, hooting owls & candy lands… with beautiful new organic corduroy pieces in unisex colours & super soft organic sherpa blankets, hats & mitts of all made from gorgeous organic & Fairtrade cotton…” After few pictures out I can tell you that I have not been disappointed at all, quite the opposite. The first thing that caught my eyes in the new collection was the Moon and Stars print and the deep rich blue colour. This kind of midnight blue is so unusual in children clothing that I fell in love instantly, as …

From Babies with Love – New Range of Organic Soft Toys

Today I would like to introduce you a special company: From Babies with Love. From Babies with Love is special and unique, not similar to what you are used to see and that is why when From Babies With Love asked me to review one of  their New Organic Soft Toys I could not refuse! In fact, I jumped. Why? From Babies with Love create organic clothing with printed characters. Those characters are sumptuously original.The designs have been lovingly created using a montage of vintage postal ephemera, and the result is stunning! For example, the Rabbit character is designed using vintage postal materials and can be found on a number of baby essentials… From Babies with Love recently added to their beautiful products a new range of organic soft toys with their existing characters but not only: some new ones have come through! One of them is the Whale. We love whales in our home therefore it was evident that we needed one to cuddle baby. We received the lovely whale in a beautiful pouch with “From Babies with Love” logo on it – really realistic and suits perfectly the spirit of …

Neobulle Deauville Collection Dune Gris Ring Sling Review

After my first try into Ring slings with the Didysling, and because I was not entirely satisfied I wanted to explore more and try another one. It was exactly when Neobulle launched their brand new Deauville Collection. It was love at first sight. I was also in love with the collection name that was bringing me back to my childhood. Yes, I know I am an emotional buyer. I grew up in the North-West suburb of Paris and every weekend when the sun was shinning, my parents will bring us to Deauville. Deauville is a seaside town in Normandy. We had lots of lovely memories there and the prints of the new Neobulle collection reminds me exactly the Deauville seaside! Neobulle is a french company specialised in babywearing and baby products.  Their wraps are handwoven and for this Deauville Collection, they got Rugiada Petrelli involved who is a fabulous textile designer. This is what she says about her collaboration with Neobulle: “Deauville is the new collection of patterns that I designed for Néobulle a company that produces baby wraps. All jacquard woven in cotton …

Indio Aurora Didymos Didysling Review

I used only my My Stretchy wrap for the last five years and this time round with Baby3, I am enjoying Babywearing and getting more and more confident. I used to be afraid to bring my wrap for our car trips but it was before. When I struggled with breastfeeding – well, let’s say that it is not easy to juggle between a baby that just wants to feed almost all the time and two other children, a home, etc.- I was looking for a sling in which I could breastfeed easily free hands. The dream! I asked some lovely Babipurians Moms – Babipur has a very friendly group – for some advices. A great one was “Breastfeeding and Babywearing are two different skills and you need first to master both of them before considering doing both together”. This is the best advice I have ever received and I am really grateful for all the support I had when I was truly lost in my breastfeeding journey. I listened this wonderful advice and decided to try a …

Moby Strectchy Wrap Review

My journey into babywearing started with my first baby, 5 years ago. I wanted a traditional structured baby carrier before committing to a pushchair and found A MOBY Stretchy Wrap instead. I was really intrigued as I never saw anyone using this kind of carrier near me. My mum used to babywear my sister but I was a pre-schooler so have just few memories. I remember her with her Moroccan embroidered cotton sheet , how she was folding it and how she was managing to put my sister in her back and doing her chores. It was amazing so this wrap reminded my childhood and my mum. I thought I should try! I bought a black Moby wrap. When I received it I was completely L-O-S-T! I did not expect to receive a very long piece of jersey fabric. I was like….emmm, What and How am I supposed to use this? I was quite pregnant when I bought it, should say 8 months so a bit panicky. I looked at all the videos I could find on YouTube and was …

International Babywearing Week 2016 by Babywearing International Organization

Today starts the International Babywearing Week  and will last until the 10th of October. As a babywearer, I wanted to take part of it and choose this week to share my own experience and the reasons why I wear my baby. Along this week, I will post reviews of different baby carriers I have used and I am using, wishing to help you in your own journey. But first, I thought I needed to make an introduction blog post about Babywearing. Why an International Babywearing week? Extracts from Babywearing International website: International Babywearing Week is an annual outreach event sponsored by Babywearing International. It is a week-long opportunity to celebrate, promote, advocate for, and focus media attention on the many benefits of babywearing . The theme for IBW 2016 is Best Seat in the House. Babywearing is the practice of keeping your baby or toddler close and connected to you as you engage in daily activities through the use of one of a variety of types of baby carriers. It is a traditional practice in …