All posts filed under: Vegetable oils

Third Trimester Pregnancy Essentials {Mia and Dom Review}

This week, I am sharing a lot about pregnancy. Why? As it begins to take most of my mind and time. And Friday is our Pampering day as usual! One of the recurrent third trimester symptom if we can call it this way as for me it is not a symptom but an unavoidable consequence: STRETCH MARKS and itchy bump. I did not mention it in my third trimester symptoms blogpost, simply because it is just something that is going to happen anyway. Is It the truth? Not at all. It depends on your skin really and you can put as many creams as you want, from the most expensive to the cheapest, it is written in your body: if you have to stretch , you will stretch. No Myths, no Miracle products, just the truth as always. About 90% of women get pregnancy stretch marks, even if they’ve never had stretch marks before. So to say that they are common is an understatement. But what you can do is help your skin and ease the itchiness …

Benefits of Broccoli Seed Oil on Curly and frizzy Hair

  First time I heard about Broccoli oil on hair, I was very surprised! Thinking , how to get oil from Broccoli? Then, few searches later, I found out that in fact the oil is made from the seeds. This oil is known to be really good on frizzy hair so, I let you guess the sudden interest growing in me 🙂 Having frizzy/curly or afro hair demands a lot of care. Hair have a tendency to be more fragile and thin. This vegetable which is a relative to other leafy greens such as cabbage, spinach and Brussels sprouts actually has some incredible benefits for our hair! BENEFITS Healthy hair requires certain vital nutrients to be delivered to the follicles. This includes Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, iron, niacin, zinc, sulphur, silica and germanium to be delivered to the hair follicles. Dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli are super food for hair and their consumption strengthens the hair at the roots. This is how broccoli can benefit the hair, from …