All posts filed under: Woven Wraps

Nona Palmae Antigua Woven Wrap Review

My journey into Babywearing started with a stretchy wrap and I get used to knots and this kind of little things. When previously, for my first baby, I found it tricky to use, I enjoyed it with my third. I really liked the way baby was securely wrapped and the lightweight feeling. I introduced myself to ring slings and I love the woven fabric used: so different to a stretchy wrap in terms of support. I decided to go further and to try a woven wrap. The choice out there is impressive and quite confusing. Between designs, choices of fabrics, patterns, sizes and prices, you get easily lost. But well, I guess we shall always start somewhere, we do not become experts from Day 1! After browsing a lot and reading few reviews, I decided to go for a Nona woven wrap. Why? It is one of the most affordable wrap I found and I fell in love with the earthy patterns and beautiful colours. Now, who is behind Nona Woven wraps? Nona Woven Wraps has …