All posts filed under: Recettes Paléo

Dairy free Pineapple upside down Cake Recipe

Sunday, I decided to spend a special moment with Baba1. I know that she loves baking a lot and now that she can eat well cooked eggs, we try to make together a bit more cakes that she can enjoy. At 5 years old, I think it is a good time to teach her some basic culinary skills and I am sure she will enjoy doing it. Retro rocks! Because I love the classics and pass on my memories to my daughters I choose the classic pineapple upside-down cake with a Dairy- Free twist. And believe me it always makes a fun centre piece for afternoon tea and brings back many childhood memories. Together, we prepared all the ingredients and put them in a tray. Head off the living room because our kitchen will not allow her to be at ease. Dairy Free Pineapple Upside down Cake Recipe Ingredients: ~ 1 can coconut milk ~ 1 can pineapple rings {7 approximately} in light syrup , drained ~ 1 cup Cocofina Coconut Sugar ~ 2 1/2 cups self raising flour …

Easy Vegetarian Curry Recipe for Beginners

Good morning! Monday, a new week is starting and it is this time again to share some recipes with you. Always following a dairy free diet with a paleo spirit. We are, in our house, great fans of curries and particularly the Korma one. Maybe because it is totally new for our taste buds – curries not really being part of the french or Moroccan traditional cuisine – I always wanted to make one from scratch. Asian cuisine is so different that I was afraid and did not know where to start, I think did not want to mess around. What did help me and give me the confidence to try? The Cocofina Creamed Coconut*! It has such a creamy and intense test . I love it. Now it becomes an essential in my new diet as it gives you so much choice. Usually in curries recipe you put yoghurt or coconut milk, but as my diet is dairy free and I was unsure about coconut milk, my first try had to be with the creamed coconut. …

Dairy, gluten, peanuts and Tree Nuts FREE Coco Bliss Energy Balls Recipe

Before I started my diet change and during my pregnancy, I used to start my day by eating some cereals or wholemeal bread. Before my pregnancy I loved starting the day with a porridge bowl and a smoothie. Well, now I really do not have time to prepare myself an elaborated breakfast. So this morning It was one of this day, I am sure you know them too, you just run, run and run. And between two things, you try to eat something. I prepared in less than 5 minutes these bliss Balls that are so practical to eat, even when feeding a baby and out. They are sugar free, gluten, dairy and nuts free. You need: 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1/4 cup  coconut flour 1/4 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut few sultanas Mix all together, form some balls and put in the fridge 10 minutes! That’s it. Now you can eat whenever you need some energy as a snack or breakfast.

Coping with a CMP and Nut free Diet with Cocofina, The Coconut Expert Products Range

Since I gave birth in middle of July, I am working hard on my diet… Before I got pregnant I was following a keto diet: a real one with 80-90% lipids, 5% carbs and 5 % proteins. Then for baby, I followed a “normal” diet. Now I am trying to get back to my previous diet without compromising my breastfeeding journey – Breast Milk supply . I will start a mixed paleo and keto diet with approximately 70 % fat, 15 % proteins and 15 % carbs. Plus I need to have a diet free from MCP {Milk Cow Proteins} , peanuts and all tree nuts sue to baby allergies. When I realised all the things I need to cut off from my diet, I was first very terrified because last time, when I was on a ketogenic mode, I was mainly eating cheese, whole milk, and nuts butters! How would I get what I need and enjoy my food? Well, I have also 30kgs to loose but how not to get frustrated? This is …

Healthy Vegan and Paleo Snacks for a starving Bump! {Forest Primal Snack Box Review}

Recently I started to think of my “after birth” Diet Plan. Why? Here are some pregnancy updates: 36 weeks pregnant now {4 more weeks to go! Just keep going…} 20 Kgs + on the scale so far {I know frightening but this is my third pregnancy and getting used to it – no choice really} As you can see I put on some weight but this is how my body reacts to pregnancy. I had the same things for my previous Babas and it has been hard to understand. No more trying to understand, just taking action. After having Baba1, I completely changed my way to view food and Diet. I am now following  a paleo and Keto diet. During this pregnancy, I tried to keep going and still going in fact with my paleo vegan life but had to drop off a bit with the keto one. Coping with the pregnancy cravings is not the easiest thing to do: it is like a constant battle with your stomach and a fight with your dreamy mind! And even …

{Test Recette Vegan} Une Tarte façon Cheesecake sans oeuf ni Gluten

{Test Recette Vegan} Une Tarte façon Cheesecake sans oeuf ni Gluten et sans cuisson Coucou tout le Monde! Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir comme je suis de nature gourmande et curieuse à la fois. Et puis je suis un peu exploratrice aussi. Alors lorsque j’ai vu cette video {cf ci-dessous}, je n’ai pu  m’empêcher de tester mais à ma façon. Je vous laisse visionner et je vous donne ma version ensuite 🙂 Ingrédients {pour 2 personnes} Pour le fond de “tarte”: 30 gr de dattes dénoyautées, 30 gr de noisettes, 30 gr d’amandes, 10 gr de beurre fondu, Pour la Garniture “cheesecake”: 50 gr de fromage blanc, une banane, 10 gr de beurre mou 10 gr de noix de coco râpé, Pour la Garniture “Fruits rouges” 2 cuillères à café de beurre de cacahuètes maison, 30 gr de fruits rouges surgelés, un peu de cacahuètes concassées pour la decoration Préparation: Dans un blender, mixer les noisettes, les amandes et les dattes dénoyautées. Une fois le tout en poudre , ajouter le beurre fondu et mélanger. Mettre …

{Ma Recette de Pain Céto } Keto Low Carb High fat Bread Recipe

{Ma Recette de Pain Céto } Keto Low Carb High fat Bread Recipe Ingrédients pour 12  petits pains  (environ 195 calories/pain)  3 oeufs 50 gr de Cheddar râpé 200 gr d’amandes 1 sachet de levure chimique 1 Tbsp de Bicarbonate de soude 75 gr de beurre 1/3 cup Farine de Tapioca 1 Tsp Vinaigre blanc Graines de Lin noir Préparation Préchauffer votre four à 180 degree. Dans un mixeur-Blender, Mettre les amandes entières et les réduire en poudre (vous pouvez utiliser de la farine d’amandes). Mettre dans un saladier et mélanger au beurre ramoli. Ajouter ensuite les 3 oeufs. Mélanger. Ajouter la farine, la levure chimique, le bicarbonate de soude et la farine de tapioca. Finir avec le cheddar rape et le vinaigre. Vous obtenez une pate de la consistence d’une pate à cake sale. Mettre l’appareil dans des moules à muffins, cupcakes. Mettre les graines de lin. Enfourner 60 minutes à 180 degrès. Les pains sont cuits lorsque la lame du couteau resort sèche. Notre verdict: J’avais vraiment très envie de pain mais dans un regime cétogène on évite …

{Eggless Zucchini Chocolate Cake} Gateau sans Oeufs au Chocolat et à la Courgette en mode Paléo!

{Eggless Zucchini Chocolate Cake} Gateau sans Oeufs au Chocolat et à la Courgette en mode Paléo! Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir que ma fille ainée (et oui depuis il y a en a deux!) est allergique aux oeufs, alors ici tous les gateaux sont sans oeufs. Et comme maman ( oui, donc moi) s’est mis au regime Paléo voir Kéto, alors les gateaux de Nana le sont aussi. J’avais déjà entendu parler de ce Gateau mais c’est Sylvie Eberena, auteur du livre” Simple comme Paléo” et fondatrice de nombreux sites MyHomeBootcamp, Fitsister et PaléOh! qui m’a poussé à essayer grace à sa Recette de Cake au Chocolat/Courgettes. Donc voice la version que je vous propose sans oeuf inspire de ma recette de {Eggless Sponge Cake} OU Génoise- Cake sans oeuf, que je vous posterez plus tard. C’est parti! Ingrédients: 100 gr d’amandes Bio (ou non) OU Farine d’amandes 110 gr de Beurre à temperature ambiante 150 gr de Courgette  (ou une petite courgette) rincée et coupée en gros dés grossièrement 150 mL de Lait concentré NON sucré ou …