All posts filed under: Ring Slings

Neobulle Deauville Collection Dune Gris Ring Sling Review

After my first try into Ring slings with the Didysling, and because I was not entirely satisfied I wanted to explore more and try another one. It was exactly when Neobulle launched their brand new Deauville Collection. It was love at first sight. I was also in love with the collection name that was bringing me back to my childhood. Yes, I know I am an emotional buyer. I grew up in the North-West suburb of Paris and every weekend when the sun was shinning, my parents will bring us to Deauville. Deauville is a seaside town in Normandy. We had lots of lovely memories there and the prints of the new Neobulle collection reminds me exactly the Deauville seaside! Neobulle is a french company specialised in babywearing and baby products.  Their wraps are handwoven and for this Deauville Collection, they got Rugiada Petrelli involved who is a fabulous textile designer. This is what she says about her collaboration with Neobulle: “Deauville is the new collection of patterns that I designed for Néobulle a company that produces baby wraps. All jacquard woven in cotton …

Indio Aurora Didymos Didysling Review

I used only my My Stretchy wrap for the last five years and this time round with Baby3, I am enjoying Babywearing and getting more and more confident. I used to be afraid to bring my wrap for our car trips but it was before. When I struggled with breastfeeding – well, let’s say that it is not easy to juggle between a baby that just wants to feed almost all the time and two other children, a home, etc.- I was looking for a sling in which I could breastfeed easily free hands. The dream! I asked some lovely Babipurians Moms – Babipur has a very friendly group – for some advices. A great one was “Breastfeeding and Babywearing are two different skills and you need first to master both of them before considering doing both together”. This is the best advice I have ever received and I am really grateful for all the support I had when I was truly lost in my breastfeeding journey. I listened this wonderful advice and decided to try a …