All posts filed under: Organic Beauty Products

Lamazuna: des produits Bio et Vegan pour une Beauté au naturel

Cela fait super longtemps que je n’ai pas parlé beauté au naturel mais aussi et surtout que je n’ai pas écrit en français! Du coup, tu vois, cela me fait tout drole. Lamazuna, c’est mon coup de coeur. J’aime la personnalité de la marque et son engagement, j’aime les couleurs exotiques, le logo et tout le dynamisme qui s’en dégage. Ok, tu vas me dire c’est bien d’aimer le branding mais ce n’est pas ce qui fait le produit. Attends, j’y arrive. Lamazuna c’est une marque française qui propose des produits écologiques et naturels de soins de beauté. Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de mes poudres ayurvédiques de chez aromazone et de mes essais de savons. Moi, je m’en souviens et avec l’arrivée de Bébé numéro 3, j’ai du mettre de côté mes tubes à essais et faire confiance à une marque écolonomique. Il était hors de question pour moi de retourner au shampoing industriel et autres donc j’ai fait quelques recherches et j’ai trouvé Lamazuna! Et quand j’ai découvert leur superbe gamme …

{Giveaway inside} Switching to Reusable menstrual products : Cheeky Mama Cloth Sanitary Pads Review

This week was Reusable Menstrual Products Week and it was obvious that I should talk to you about Reusable Cloth Sanitary pads. Using Reusable menstrual products has been, in my women life, the ultimate green step. Green living or at least trying to reduce waste in my life demanded efforts beyond my imagination. When I look around me all the things we use and throw into our bins after only one use it is unbelievable. I have been using disposable sanitary pads during so many years and it was obvious for me and all girls around me that it was what we would be using. When I was younger we were used to travel to Morocco every year for our summer holidays and in the 80’s to early 90’s, women – those I knew and were living with–  were still using washable pads {and washable nappies for babies!}. In fact, there were no pads. They were using pieces of cotton fabric. I grew up knowing that and having acknowledged it. I mean I have seen them washing their pads and …

Green Beauty: Bye bye shower gels, Friendly Soap now takes care of all my tribe!

It is a long time I have not shared with you a bit of green beauty tips. Did I stop? Absolutely not. I have been just very busy testing a lot of fabulous products for my family and I. As a good tester, I take my time to gather a maximum of informations and share with you an in-depth experience. Because beauty is a bit complicated and beauty products have a tendency to be very good when you start with them and after few weeks of use, you can get very confused and change your mind. Are you a shower gel addict/user? This simple question can elevate a lot of opinions. Most of people love them and swear just by them. Did you know that: “Gels first appeared in British bathrooms in the Seventies. Today (2011) some 200 million bottles are sold in Britain every year”* There was a time, I loved them and used them a lot. My favorite ones were those of well know french fragrance designers. I enjoyed the fact that they always leave …

Toddler Tooth brushing Resistance or how to get a toddler to brush? {Featuring Jack n’Jill Gift Kit}

Last week was all about parenting and I hope you were happy for me to share with you our experience. To close the “subject”, there is still something I’d love to share. Something that we had to face recently. From birth to toddler, things go so fast. Your little one first teeth will make her appearance before you even realise that your baby is not a newborn anymore. With the first teeth starts a new journey: learn your bubba how to take care of his lovely little body and one of this first ever step is to brush their teeth. The first time we introduced a toothbrush in our daughters lives, they always loved chewing on but that was when they were smaller. We hit a roadblock at some point when I started actively brushing their teeth, same things for both. They would get so mad. But even if it is a trial, always some solutions around, just try to keep calm! I tried different approaches hopping that it would work for us. What I have done with Baba1 and Baba2: 1. Distraction: …