All posts filed under: Haircare routine

Lamazuna: des produits Bio et Vegan pour une Beauté au naturel

Cela fait super longtemps que je n’ai pas parlé beauté au naturel mais aussi et surtout que je n’ai pas écrit en français! Du coup, tu vois, cela me fait tout drole. Lamazuna, c’est mon coup de coeur. J’aime la personnalité de la marque et son engagement, j’aime les couleurs exotiques, le logo et tout le dynamisme qui s’en dégage. Ok, tu vas me dire c’est bien d’aimer le branding mais ce n’est pas ce qui fait le produit. Attends, j’y arrive. Lamazuna c’est une marque française qui propose des produits écologiques et naturels de soins de beauté. Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens de mes poudres ayurvédiques de chez aromazone et de mes essais de savons. Moi, je m’en souviens et avec l’arrivée de Bébé numéro 3, j’ai du mettre de côté mes tubes à essais et faire confiance à une marque écolonomique. Il était hors de question pour moi de retourner au shampoing industriel et autres donc j’ai fait quelques recherches et j’ai trouvé Lamazuna! Et quand j’ai découvert leur superbe gamme …

My natural homemade Coconut Shampoo Bar for Dry and Curly Hair

Today, let’s talk Natural cosmetics and shampoo bars. Do you remember my shampoo bar on Instagram? You know the rose one…sure you know. I was really tempted to try and make my own shampoo bar. Why Did I decide to stop traditional shampoos for no poo or shampoo bar? I was just tired of loosing my hair and spending a huge amount of money in nocive and clearly useless products. All this waste of packaging was also one of my motivation factor and wanted to stop using any product containing SLS {Sodium Laurel Sulfate}. Surely, I was scared of switching to a shampoo bar and have a fear that it will mess up my hair. Switching your beauty routine is frightening! It took me months to build up the courage! If you’re on the fence or just want to know a little more about how they work– then let me explain! Shampoo bars are actually solid bars of soap that are made specifically for hair. In fact, they were commonly used before our traditional shampoo and conditions were invented. …

Benefits of Broccoli Seed Oil on Curly and frizzy Hair

  First time I heard about Broccoli oil on hair, I was very surprised! Thinking , how to get oil from Broccoli? Then, few searches later, I found out that in fact the oil is made from the seeds. This oil is known to be really good on frizzy hair so, I let you guess the sudden interest growing in me 🙂 Having frizzy/curly or afro hair demands a lot of care. Hair have a tendency to be more fragile and thin. This vegetable which is a relative to other leafy greens such as cabbage, spinach and Brussels sprouts actually has some incredible benefits for our hair! BENEFITS Healthy hair requires certain vital nutrients to be delivered to the follicles. This includes Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, iron, niacin, zinc, sulphur, silica and germanium to be delivered to the hair follicles. Dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli are super food for hair and their consumption strengthens the hair at the roots. This is how broccoli can benefit the hair, from …

No poo Mask Recipe for dry and curly Hair using ayurvedic powders

Hi! Good morning! How are you with the sun coming back? Time to take care of our hair and our curls. You know that I am an adept of natural cosmetics and ayurvedic powders. I shared with you on Instagram my weekly routine and thought It might be interesting to make a blog post and a video about it to explain you the benefits of each product I am using in case you would like to try. The first recipe I am sharing with you is a No Poo mask for dry Curly hair. The results are really good and you obtain beautiful curls. Homemade shikakai shampoo can be done very easily, if you have the ingredients at home. The shampoo is made with natural ingredients and it doesn’t have any harsh chemicals in it. This shikakai shampoo leaves the hair soft and silky. All the ingredients for this shampoo are already dried, so you can buy them in bulk, store and use it year round. The ingredients for this homemade shampoo are shikakai, amla …