All posts filed under: Stretchy Wraps

An unusual stretchy wrap: We Made Me Wuti Wrap Review

Few weeks agowe travelled to France for half term. We have done an epic road trip and decided to lighten our luggage by not taking a pushchair: limited car boot space. So guess what I took to help me carrying baby? My wraps, indeed. This is the reason why babywearing is so practical. Checking the weather before packing everything, I was surprised to see that the expected temperature would be near the twenty degrees in Paris and even above in Avignon. Yes, we were heading the South of France with a break in Paris. All my wraps { MobyWrap and Nona woven wrap} are quite hot, large and heavy even if I absolutely love them. So I was unsure about taking them with me. I was more looking for a lightweight and breathable wrap that I could let in the car to ease our road stops. I did some researchs – you know me now – and fell in love with the Wuti Wrap® from WEMADEME.   I looked around and did not find the information I was looking for. …

Moby Strectchy Wrap Review

My journey into babywearing started with my first baby, 5 years ago. I wanted a traditional structured baby carrier before committing to a pushchair and found A MOBY Stretchy Wrap instead. I was really intrigued as I never saw anyone using this kind of carrier near me. My mum used to babywear my sister but I was a pre-schooler so have just few memories. I remember her with her Moroccan embroidered cotton sheet , how she was folding it and how she was managing to put my sister in her back and doing her chores. It was amazing so this wrap reminded my childhood and my mum. I thought I should try! I bought a black Moby wrap. When I received it I was completely L-O-S-T! I did not expect to receive a very long piece of jersey fabric. I was like….emmm, What and How am I supposed to use this? I was quite pregnant when I bought it, should say 8 months so a bit panicky. I looked at all the videos I could find on YouTube and was …