All posts filed under: Brands Reviews

Wood, a Safe and All-Natural Teether for Baby {Haba Clutching Pyramid Toy Review}

Before becoming a parent yourself, you would never imagine how hard it is to choose a teether for a baby. Yes, I would have never imagined that choosing a teether for my little one’s aching gums could be so complicated. Well I knew that we will use Sophie La Girafe for sure but what else? When #Baby1 was teething I assumed Sophie la Girafe would be sufficient and I was wrong. I then thought that one of those plastic water-filled stars that you could freeze would do the trick. But that was not the case, they were so hard and they have joined the huge amount of products I bought for my first baby that I have never used: useless, inappropriate and unsafe. You know my passion for green living and our aim to choose safer alternatives, more natural and environmentally friendly when we can. So for Baby#3 who just starts teething at 3 months and a half I thought It was the right time to purchase her some teething toys. But which one? I definitely knew that I wanted …

Introduction to Geggamoja, a Scandinavian Organic Clothing Brand for Children

Few weeks ago, I had the chance to discover a new brand of Organic clothing for children coming right from the North, right from the beautiful Scandinavian countries: a SWEDDISH brand named GEGGAMOJA. Geggamoja is a Stylish, practical and playful Brand for Kids! Geggamoja aims to represent an urban Scandinavian lifestyle with playful bright colours and a Swedish all time favorite: stripes! They create a wide-range of 100% organic products for premature babies to outdoor wear, bedding, toys, and accessories for children aged zero to 12 years old! What do I love about Geggamoja? Certainly this Nordic feeling with the very fashionable stripes and chevrons and the bright colours. I fell instantly in love with the designs that seem to be so comfortable. The new Autumn/Winter 2016 Collection is in line with the new trend. I love the unisex designs and colour schemes. Their OUTWEAR clothing Collection are in total harmony with our british lifestyle. I am just in love with their fleece coveralls: snuggle, warm and waterproof. I do appreciate also the difference with the actual UK Organic clothing trend to use bright colours and …

Introducing Showers to a Toddler {Hevea Bath Mat Review}

Bath time is really fun for babies and toddlers but sometimes a shower is more convenient and more ecologic. I try to learn my children the sooner possible that we should not waste water. Taking a bath is a pleasure but should not be done daily, instead we take a shower. How to replace bath time by shower time and make my children more independent and more eco-conscious, and let them enjoy? The first thing is to make the experience safe. Because if you introduce shower to a toddler and she/he falls…I let you imagine the outcome. So how to make shower time safe, ecologic, economic and enjoyable for your little one? First thing and not the least, you need a good bath mat. We used to have one we bought five years ago –I don’t remember where– with ducks. I hated it and still do. Why, this rubber smell that never goes. Baba1 loved it so much that I could not get rid of it until I explained her that even if the mat …

An unusual stretchy wrap: We Made Me Wuti Wrap Review

Few weeks agowe travelled to France for half term. We have done an epic road trip and decided to lighten our luggage by not taking a pushchair: limited car boot space. So guess what I took to help me carrying baby? My wraps, indeed. This is the reason why babywearing is so practical. Checking the weather before packing everything, I was surprised to see that the expected temperature would be near the twenty degrees in Paris and even above in Avignon. Yes, we were heading the South of France with a break in Paris. All my wraps { MobyWrap and Nona woven wrap} are quite hot, large and heavy even if I absolutely love them. So I was unsure about taking them with me. I was more looking for a lightweight and breathable wrap that I could let in the car to ease our road stops. I did some researchs – you know me now – and fell in love with the Wuti Wrap® from WEMADEME.   I looked around and did not find the information I was looking for. …

Family Road Trip with limited Car Boot space {Diono Dreamliner travel Bassinet Review}

Few weeks ago it was half term and we decided to visit family in France and we traveled for the first time with three kids. We crossed a good part of the UK and from North to South almost all France. A very exciting and tiring road trip. Packing for a couple and packing for a family of five with three children under five are two different things. We decided to go almost at the last minute. I should admit that I was a bit worried. How would I manage to bring everything we needed to cover all the needs – from meals, hygiene, play and sleep – of a preschooler, a toddler and a young baby and fit all these things in our car boot? Meal and play time have been covered easily: we took nothing just a small tote bag with two of their favourite toys each. We chose to take the risk not to bring with us a highchair for #2. Sometimes we struggled, sometimes she was fine and sat down quietly …

Teething with Sophie La Girafe So Pure Teether

Teething… Here we start again with Baby number three. Teething is quite a big part of a baby’s life and unfortunately a big part of parents sleep’s life too. These tiny teeth make baby’s life a bit harder and keep them very busy through the day. I should say that they help them to explore the world more deeply by bringing everything and anything to their mouth. I am not abording yet the terrible subject of dribbling. Teething can start really early from three months old. All of my daughters started at approximately three and a half months. A good sign of it is seeing them trying to put all their hands and fists in their little mouth and getting annoyed, and of course this little trickle of saliva down their lower lip. So cute! Well not so cute when you find your little baby completely wet like she just had a shower fully dressed! You can change your baby every 20 minutes if you do not use a dribbling Bandana bib and I am not exaggerating, believe me. To help baby …

New prints in the Bambino Mio Accessories Range { Miosquares Review}

Little Baby is now nearly four months old and she is starting teething. Fingers and fists in the mouth, she dribbles like never before. I cannot believe we are already there! What happened to us these las few months? Well, too many things but a thing is sure, muslin squares are HANDY. They are the products I have the most used. I use them for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G: to put on the bed to protect baby from sweating, for mopping spills, as burp cloths, for changing time, even for playing and much more. My baby’s comforter is a muslin blanket. I just love how versatile they are and absorbant. With Baba2, I use them as wipes when she is very messy after a meal, I just wet a muslin square and wipe her. Muslin squares are baby essentials, you cannot avoid them. And if you want, you are missing something because they are great! I have a large collection from my first baby and I am still using them. In my collection, I have some Miosquares. Miosquares, did I say? …

Making Bathtime fun and hygienic {Hevea Bath toys Review}

Let’s talk bath time today as it is Saturday and week-end means Spa Session with my daughters. As a bachelor, bath time meant for me : relaxation, bath salt, taking care of myself and when I had my first baby, my understanding of bathing literally changed and made a loop. Bath now was all about having fun, playing and enjoying precious moments with my baby. The bathroom was now a park -aka Bathplayroom –  which needed some toys. My partner and I had a clear idea of bath toys: I guess we have been a bit brain washed by TV adverts and movies, Yes, because believe it or not all we see enter our minds and influence our choices. We decided to buy a bundle of plastic bath toys with the very popular YELLOW DUCK! Where does this come? No idea. We wanted a yellow duck. We filled our bathroom with some of these toys and enjoyed a lot –relatively lot– of play. After few months, we started to notice some black sediment starting to …

Elvie : Your very personal trainer and your Pelvic Floor best friend

Today, I am going to talk a taboo subject. Taboo for a reason I ignore. I wish I had known about it when I had my first baby. When I was pregnant with Baby3, one lady of the Elvie team contacted me to try their personal trainer and talk about it. I was first a bit reluctant and had to think. Why? I asked myself why did I feel ashamed to talk about something women related and that it is so important? Why? Maybe because of my own experience. Let’s go back together in 2011 when I delivered my first daughter after a very fast labour. Unfortunately, when she passed, my urethra has been damaged and I will never forget what the consultant told me few minutes after having my baby. I have been told that I will be incontinent all my life and would have to wear a catheter for few months. All of this was so overwhelming between the joy of having my first baby and our first meeting and the cold consultant …

Connecta Baby Carrier Review

When I was pregnant, I was unsure about using again my stretchy wrap but I knew that I will practice babywearing. With a toddler and a pre-schooler, it was obvious for me that if I wanted to do few things in my home, I would need to put baby somewhere in order to free my hands. And the best way to do it and to make baby comfortable, content and happy is babywearing. I liked my stretchy wrap with Baba1 five years ago but was not at ease for when I was outside so I wanted to anticipated this issue. I – as always– looked everywhere for advices, read reviews and it seemed that one of the best solution and easiest are Soft Structured {buckle} carriers. Babipur, one of the best ethical and eco Shop around –not to say THE Best -, stocks a large range of Buckle carriers but not only. You can find in their website a generous “Babywearing section“. I like how they bring to us some exclusivities and special offers which makes …