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Ewan The Dream Sheep, a magical sleeping aid?

I have so much to say about Ewan. Ewan, for us, our family, is more than a sheep, more than a sleeping aid, it is a trusty friend the one we seek help from when we are on a crisis.

Our love story with Ewan began few months ago, back in December, when I was looking for a sleeping aid to install a new bedtime routine for baby in anticipation to our Holidays, after the Whisbear failure. I was looking for something to help baby settle down and “recognise” bed time. Ewan the Sheep has been suggested to us and I thought why not try? But not convinced at all after our previous attempt.

Ewan the Dream Sheep review


When we received Ewan The Dream Sheep and Ewan Snuggly, the goal was to give them to baby. Baby responded really well as they were both very soft and great for a cuddle. To my surprise, someone else was really curious about them and clearly very attracted, it was #2. She has never been interested on any other soft toy than her comforter and this, since baby, so at two years old, I was quite surprised!

Baby loves Ewan Snuggly so much, I need to bring it everywhere with us. As for Ewan the Sheep, he is now an indispensable element of our bedtime routines for #1 and #2.

Ewan the Dream Sheep review

Let me count you our story.

In December, when we travelled to France for the second time, we decided to travel by night as in November, the girls struggled with the travel, the waiting and delays at the Eurotunnel and the long monotonous road to the South. I tried to be even more prepared and brought with me, in the car, everything that could soothe the girls. Ewan was part of my “please help” essentials. I really introduced Ewan during this trip.

First of all, when we left the UK, it was the night and so dark, I did not expect Baby to be awake but she was and was unsettled. I decided to try Ewan, because he has a beautiful soft pink light and a very calm and soothing tune. Baby was so happy and played with it few minutes before to fall asleep! I was so happy and relieved.

This is when I noticed that #2 was also totally hypnotised by Ewan. It just calmed her, she took it in her arms all through the way and was listening to the tune. We had a very bad experience with her in November, this is when we started to really question ourselves about ASD. She struggled so much with the changes, sleeping somewhere else that we were so lost too. This time we tried to help her as much as possible and take really all she might need to settle down. Ewan helped her a lot! She has always been really receptive to music and lights so when we arrived in our parents home, the same night, we did not hesitate: we gave her Ewan to sleep with and It worked! Back in November, she could not sleep, she was crying and was so upset. Ewan has been her saviour and ours, really. It helped her settle down in the car and away from home.


Ewan the Dream Sheep reviewEwan is our Family Buddy. It helps baby sleep during the day at nap times and he is #2 best friend at night. When she woke up after nightmares, or when she is just uncomfortable, we just light it on and she goes back to sleep.

Ewan for us is more than a sleeping aid. It helped us in so many ways during our sleeping struggles with #2. When she is overwhelmed or too anxious it is quite hard to calm her down but Ewan calms her down nearly instantly, it is a huge relief. The final ingredient to the mix is the soothing pink glow that is emitted from Ewan the dream sheep, this pink ambient glow is so comforting in the dark.


  • Very soft toy
  • Pink soft glow that can be switched off for day use
  • Adjustable volume
  • strong velcro
  • Handle to attach to cot or car seat
  • Choice of tunes!
  • long life batteries
  • Switches off after 20 minutes
  • Existes in purple and grey {Fleece}


  • I know need two: one for baby and one for #2

Ewan the Dream Sheep review

To conclude, I wish we had an Ewan the Sheep earlier. I definitely put it in the Baby essentials list and in my “Baby shower” list. I know what to offer to new parents. Ewan is more than a Teddy it grows with the baby and gives him comfort and confidence to sleep on her own. I co-sleep with baby and during the day, baby sleeps on her own with Ewan and this for us, is a great success. It might also be a great help for an ASD toddler or young child struggling at night. The soothing pink glow and the light tune make it a good sensory “toy”.

Ewan the Dream Sheep and Ewan Snuggly are both available to buy from


Note: These are PR samples. All my views are my own and honest. No compensations have been received for writing this review.

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